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When facing ant infestations in Northwest Ohio, enlisting the expertise of ProGuard Pest Control emerges as a prudent solution. With their specialized knowledge and tailored approach, ProGuard Pest Control offers effective strategies to address ant problems efficiently. By entrusting your ant issues to ProGuard Pest Control, you gain peace of mind, knowing that experienced professionals are diligently working to safeguard your home or business from these persistent pests, ultimately restoring comfort and hygiene to your living or working environment.

Common Ants of Northwest Ohio

Pavement Ant

Pavement Ant

Pavement ants are prevalent in urban and suburban areas throughout Northwest Ohio. These ants are small, ranging from light to dark brown in color, with segmented bodies. Their name comes from their habit of nesting beneath sidewalks, driveways, and building foundations, where they construct intricate networks of tunnels and chambers. Pavement ants are opportunistic feeders and will scavenge for a wide variety of food, including sweets, proteins, and fats. They are often seen foraging in kitchens, around garbage cans, and on sidewalks. While they primarily nest outdoors, they may also establish satellite colonies indoors, particularly in structures with accessible entry points.

Carpenter Ant

Carpenter Ant

Carpenter ants are among the largest ant species found in Northwest Ohio, with workers ranging from about 1/4 to 1/2 inch in length. They are typically black, red, or a combination of both colors. Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not consume wood but excavate galleries within decaying wood to create their nests. In natural settings, they can be found nesting in tree stumps, fallen logs, and dead trees. However, they are also known to infest wooden structures in residential areas, such as homes and sheds, where they can cause structural damage over time. Carpenter ants primarily feed on insects, honeydew, and other sugary substances but may also forage for human food scraps if available.

Odorous Ant

Odorous House Ant

Odorous house ants are small, dark brown to black ants commonly found in both urban and rural environments across Northwest Ohio. They derive their name from the unpleasant odor they emit when crushed, often described as smelling like rotten coconuts. These ants are highly adaptable and can nest in a variety of locations, including soil, mulch, wall voids, and beneath stones. They are attracted to moisture and readily invade homes in search of food and water, particularly in kitchens and bathrooms. Odorous house ants have a diverse diet that includes sweets, meats, and greasy foods. They are known for their trailing behavior, forming long lines of workers traveling between their nest and food sources.

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